diffx: Pretty diffs for case classes


diffx is an open-source library which aims to display differences between complex structures in a way that they are easily noticeable.

Here’s a quick example of diffx in action:

sealed trait Parent
case class Bar(s: String, i: Int) extends Parent
case class Foo(bar: Bar, b: List[Int], parent: Option[Parent]) extends Parent

val right: Foo = Foo(
    Bar("asdf", 5),
    List(123, 1234),
    Some(Bar("asdf", 5))
// right: Foo = Foo(
//   bar = Bar(s = "asdf", i = 5),
//   b = List(123, 1234),
//   parent = Some(value = Bar(s = "asdf", i = 5))
// )

val left: Foo = Foo(
    Bar("asdf", 66),
// left: Foo = Foo(
//   bar = Bar(s = "asdf", i = 66),
//   b = List(1234),
//   parent = Some(
//     value = Foo(
//       bar = Bar(s = "asdf", i = 5),
//       b = List(123, 1234),
//       parent = Some(value = Bar(s = "asdf", i = 5))
//     )
//   )
// )
import com.softwaremill.diffx.generic.auto._
import com.softwaremill.diffx._
compare(left, right)
// res0: DiffResult = DiffResultObject(
//   name = "Foo",
//   fields = ListMap(
//     "bar" -> DiffResultObject(
//       name = "Bar",
//       fields = ListMap(
//         "s" -> IdenticalValue(value = "asdf"),
//         "i" -> DiffResultValue(left = 66, right = 5)
//       )
//     ),
//     "b" -> DiffResultObject(
//       name = "List",
//       fields = ListMap(
//         "0" -> DiffResultValue(left = 1234, right = 123),
//         "1" -> DiffResultMissing(value = 1234)
//       )
//     ),
//     "parent" -> DiffResultValue(
//       left = "repl.MdocSession.App.Foo",
//       right = "repl.MdocSession.App.Bar"
//     )
//   )
// )

Will result in:


diffx is available for Scala 3, 2.13 and 2.12 both jvm and js.

The core of diffx comes in a single jar.

To integrate with the test framework of your choice, you’ll need to use one of the integration modules. See the section on test-frameworks for a brief overview of supported test frameworks.

Auto-derivation is used throughout the documentation for the sake of clarity. Head over to derivation for more details

Tips and tricks

You may need to add -Wmacros:after Scala compiler option to make sure to check for unused implicits after macro expansion. If you get warnings from Magnolia which looks like magnolia: using fallback derivation for TYPE, you can use the Silencer compiler plugin to silent the warning with the compiler option "-P:silencer:globalFilters=^magnolia: using fallback derivation.*$"

Similar projects

There is a number of similar projects from which diffx draws inspiration.

Below is a list of some of them, which I am aware of, with their main differences:

  • xotai/diff - based on shapeless, seems not to be activly developed anymore

  • ratatool-diffy - the main purpose is to compare large data sets stored on gs or hdfs

  • difflicious - very similar feature set, different design under the hood, no auto-derivation


Development and maintenance of diffx is sponsored by SoftwareMill, a software development and consulting company. We help clients scale their business through software. Our areas of expertise include backends, distributed systems, blockchain, machine learning and data analytics.


Table of contents

Test frameworks
